January 1992 -- Infinite Technologies (Owings Mills, MD) announces new DOS and Windows versions of its flagship MHS electronic mail packages with a number of new features and three bundled MHS utilities at no extra charge. The new features include an improved message editor with cut & paste and a smoother word-wrap; CC: and Bcc: (blind carbon copy) addressing support and multiple-attachment handling. An ExpressIT! Electronic Mail 5-user license is available for $299 (all prices suggested US resale at participating dealers or direct; reseller inquiries invited; license limits refer to concurrent users). A 10-user license is $499, 25-user $699, 100-user $999, unlimited $1,999 and 30-day evaluation copies are free. The ExpressIT! E-Mail Windows Client upgrade is $299 per MHS host. Updates to either are free for one full year. The three free utilities add speed and convenience to MHS operations. SendIT! lets people or batch files launch MHS mail messages, even including attachments, from the command line. MHS-swap lets MHS hubs cycle through their gateway operations at unprecedented speed by doing memory roll-out swaps to local RAM instead of MHS-default file server drives. MHSbPlus lets MHS version 1.5c hubs enjoy the higher performance of B-Plus protocol sessions (normally only available for connections with the CompuServe CServe MHS hub) when connecting to each other. The two hallmarks of ExpressIT! mail - its remarkable simplicity and its exemplary small RAM footprint (less than 2K) - are still evident in this new version, as are all of its characteristic features. These include multiple mail folders for easy filing and retrieval; ASCII file import and export; message searches based on sender and on message text; personal address books and nicknames to simplify even lengthy extended MHS addresses; a registered MHS mail log, group and mailing-list addressing support; and more. Also, the ExpressIT! Directory Assistant automatically distributes user directory lists among ExpressIT! systems without requiring central directory administration, and only within limits selected by the hub administrator. The ExpressIT! E-Mail Windows Client adds a number of Windows-specific features, including multiple on-screen windows for viewing and creating messages, and automatic application launching to view attachments. It also supports To:, CC: and BCC: (blind carbon copy) addressing; adds an MHS activity log viewer (see when a remote host last connected); and lets the MHS hub administrator activate or deactivate other hosts from within ExpressIT! International character handling is also very much improved in version 1.1. -------------------------------------------------------- January 1992 -- Infinite Technologies (Owings Mills, MD) announces a new NetWare MHS gateway that connects popular NetWare MHS-based electronic mail systems to alphanumeric or full-text (standard IXO protocol) pagers. This one-way message route to off-site users can be an effective link to both people and network operations. Many network management systems can already generate MHS messages the gateway can relay to managers, independent of work schedules; in fact, any computer operation can be adapted to generate such messages. It also provides immediate notification of critical messages from people, and is an alternative to traditional alpha (full text) paging terminal message entry. Ag an all-software MHS gateway, it uses the existing MHS hub computer and modem. The new Infinite Technologies PageIT! Alphanumeric Pager MHS Gateway supporting one or two pagers is available for 5199 per MHS hub (all prices suggested US resale at participating dealers or direct; reseller inquiries invited). A five pager version is $299, ten-pager $499, unlimited $699. ComputerLand Northwest (Baltimore) President Steve Orr says, "Infinite Technologies' latest product, for which they have an exclusive, allows network users with any MHS-compatible e-mail program to send messages directly to people in the field who are equipped with alphanumeric pagers. This has a strong appeal to service organizations. Technicians and support personnel need only carry a pager with a small display to receive messages. No longer will they have to stop and use the phone to determine the nature of the page." Sites can tailor PageIT! to each pager's specifications and user preferences. Its intelligent page-status routines automatically cope with busy or no-answer paging systems. And with the Infinite Technologies ForwardIT! message redirector ($199), users can automatically have their e-mail forwarded to their alpha pagers. 30-day evaluation versions of these and most other Infinite Technologies products are free. -------------------------------------------------------- January 1992 -- Infinite Technologies (Owings Mills, MD) announces a new utility for MHS e-mail systems that routes messages and attached files to specific NetWare print queues on the hub Novell network. It remote-prints first-generation originals, completely unattended, with much better resolution than fax. It works with any available queued printer, so remote label or forms printing is as easy as remote laser or draft printing. Even within a site, it can make file copies messages, simply by listing a print queue as one of a message's addresses. New MhsQ! software is available for $99 (all prices suggested US resale at participating dealers or direct; reseller inquiries invited). MhsQ! gives out-of-office workers access to network printers. It makes possible automatic multi-site report forwarding and printing. And it offers new flexibility for automatic processes that can now send their results to remote sites without operator intervention. -------------------------------------------------------- January 1992 -- Infinite Technologies (Owings Mills, MD) introduces a new utility for NetWare MHS hubs that supports extremely flexible default, workday, weekend and holiday scheduling of hub activities. This can significantly reduce long distance costs, speed message handling and add control to existing and new process automation through the hub. Each host connection and each gateway invocation can have its own schedule, including the ability to selectively disable it -pending traffic or absolutely - for specified periods. A hub administrator can define any automated task as a scheduled gateway with a companion task-launching utility. The new MHS Scheduler and companion RunIT! gateway job launcher utility are available for $199 per MHS hub (all prices suggested US resale at participating dealers or direct; inquiries invited). Infinite President Brett Warthen offers this example of the cost savings available through MHS Scheduler: "If a site is calling long distance to NHUB or paying the CompuServeř fees for the CServe hub service, it does 50 at a given schedule - perhaps once an hour around the clock. MHS doesn't limit these connections to any particular time period. A typical 9600 bps call to CServe to check for new mail costs 45›; that's $10.80 per day or $75.60 per week. MHS Scheduler can maintain hourly calls from 8 to 5 on weekdays, and only when there's outbound traffic at other times. This cuts connect-time charges to $22.50 per week, saving more than $212 per month. In other words, MHS Scheduler can pay for itself in its first month of use." The extraordinary ability of MHS Scheduler to coordinate specific activities at specific times has applications beyond traditional message gateways. It's possible to schedule tape backup sessions, lengthy database reindexing runs, reporting activities and other self-completing jobs by scheduling them as gateway tasks. The RunIT! utility makes this level of automation as easy as running a batch file; further, it can invoke tasks based on commands within incoming MHS messages as well as on a scheduled basis. 30-day evaluation versions of these and most other Infinite Technologies products are free. -------------------------------------------------------- January 1992 -- Infinite Technologies (Owings Mills, MD) introduces a new automated agent for NetWare MHS hubs that automatically fulfills e-mail requests for files by attaching them to return messages. It responds to keywords it finds on an incoming message's Subject: line; some of these correspond to available files, some to requests for file lists or assistance, requests to compress the return attachment, or passwords. New MHS Librarian is available for $199 per hub (all prices suggested US resale at participating dealers or direct; reseller inquiries invited). For example, when a message includes the keyword "Index, " the MHS Librarian return message includes a list of available files and the keywords with which to fetch them. When it sees the keyword " Zip, " it compresses the return file(s) into a single attachment, assuming the appropriate compression utility is available to the hub. Each keyword can have its own password. Selected users can also be permitted to retrieve other files by explicit named-path request; this requires a password. MHS Librarian comes with a utility to provide a new password daily from a site's secret key, or to use a fixed password, or a site can substitute a password generator of its own. MHS Librarian can also accept MHS extended address instructions to forward requested files to someone other than the sender, and the forwarding can itself go to an MHS extended address (typically a fax address or a user address on another mail system). The MHS hub administrator gets automatic notification of any incoming messages with invalid keywords or other errors. Also, the system maintains a complete text log of requestors, request dates and files sent. -------------------------------------------------------- January 1992 -- Infinite Technologies (Owings Mills, MD) now offers five small foot-print memory-resident utilities for NetWare LANs. OnCall pops up to let network users enjoy screen-and-keyboard "chate", yet runs in 0-2.5K of main memory. It's available for $99 per server ( all prices suggested US resale at participating dealers or direct; reseller inquiries invited). The PopIT! ($99 per server) TSR menu system makes virtually any application available from within its 2.5K pop-up window, without exiting an application in progress. I-Queue! ($199 per server, 0-2.5K footprint) pop up control over NetWare print queues and capture parameters, including timeout. It manages all available print queues and servers, supports captures to files, selects forms and how many copies, monitors queue job status and more. It enters printer set-up strings at the keyboard or from existing printdef information. It can enable or disable form feeds, tab expansion (selecting text or binary modes) and banners. It lets queue operators delete print jobs, copy or move them among queues or reorder the job sequence. It also includes the ONHold utility, which lets users submit print jobs that will not be run until a later time, or until manually released from their "on hold" status. CastAway! ($99 per server, footprint under 2.5K) tames NetWare 25th-line message broadcasts from its send command, which normally freeze the receiving PC until a user manually clears the message. CastAway! pops up a graphic notification of an incoming message broadcast, but keeps it from interrupting the application in progress. It also pops up a window to let users send, receive and reply to broadcast messages. CastAway! is included in all Infinite Technologies ExpressIT! network electronic mail systems. MHS Notify ($99 per server) sends a NetWare 25th-line message to any user for whom e-mail arrives; it's especially effective in concert with CastAway! as a small-footprint non-intrusive MHS mail notification system. It rung resident on a NetWare MHS hub, where it monitors MHS activities. Ag soon as MHS routes a message to any local user, it knows and responds. MHS Notify is also included in all Infinite Technologies ExpressIT! network electronic mail systems. Infinite Technologies 11403 Cronhill Drive, Suite D, Owings Mills, MD 21117 (410) 363-1097; fax: 410-363-3779 +---------------------------------------------------------------+ | From the America On-Line & PC-Link New Product Info Services | +===============================================================+ | This information was processed with OmniPage Professional OCR | | software (from Caere Corp) & a Canon IX-30 scanner from data | | provided by the above mentioned company. For additional info, | | contact the company at the address or phone# indicated above. | | All submissions for this service should be addressed to | | BAKER ENTERPRISES, 20 Ferro Drive, Sewell, NJ 08080 U.S.A. | +---------------------------------------------------------------+